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1 Name of Society
The Society will be called the “Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland” (previously the Travelling Surgical Club, Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
2 Aims
To visit surgical centres at home and overseas for the purposes of continuing medical education. To foster the exchange of surgical ideas and information and to foster friendship amongst members. Spouses form an integral part of the Society.
3 Membership
3.1 — Active Member The core of the Society is the active (full) members, who are civilian surgeons in active practice (numbering up to twenty five) and service surgeons, also in active practice (numbering up to six – two from each of the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force; to include any from the military reserve forces). Election to active membership can only occur after a guest (ideally accompanied by their spouse or partner) or an associate member (ideally accompanied by their spouse or partner) attends an overseas meeting. It is hoped that a balance between academic, teaching hospital and district hospital surgeons will be maintained and that several surgical interests will be represented in the membership. It is unusual, but acceptable for more than one surgeon from a single institution to be an active member at the same time. Membership may lapse when there is repeated absence from overseas meetings without adequate reason, and only after discussion at the AGM.
3.2 — Associate Member Associate members, who shall be in active practice, may be elected at an Annual General Meeting or at a Business Meeting. A guest who attends a complete home meeting may be elected to associate membership. Associate members may attend the formal meetings of the Society but are ineligible to vote and such members will be excluded from any discussion about the election of members. Associate members are eligible for election to full membership following attendance at an overseas meeting (ideally accompanied by their spouse or partner ) but such election to active membership is not automatic. Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Founded 1924 Initially Approved at the Annual General Meeting in Copenhagen 9th May 1997 First Amendment at the Annual Business Meeting in Belfast 19th September 1997 Second Amendment at the Annual General Meeting in South Africa 18th February 1999 Third amendment at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin May 2012. Constitution Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Founded 1924 Initially Approved at the Annual General Meeting in Copenhagen 9th May 1997 First Amendment at the Annual Business Meeting in Belfast 19th September 1997 Second Amendment at the Annual General Meeting in South Africa 18th February 1999 Third amendment at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin May 2012. Associate members will number no more than seven at any time. Associate membership will lapse after five years if election to full membership has not occurred. Associate members are not entitled to wear the insignia of the Society, namely the tie or brooch.
3.3 — Trainee Associate Member In exceptional circumstances, a traveller who is a trainee (such as one of the Price Thomas Fellows) and whose contribution has been deemed exceptional may be elected to trainee associate membership. This membership will entitle the recipient to the same privileges as other associate members, including attendance at meetings. However, non-consultant associate members will not attend the Annual General or Business Meeting. Trainee associate members cannot be elected to full membership until they have been appointed to a substantive NHS consultant post and have travelled overseas. Associate Members in the training grades will automatically become consultant associate members on appointment to a substantive UK consultant post, and may remain associate members for up to 5 years thereafter. Membership will then lapse unless they have attained full membership.
3.4 — Affiliate Member Affiliate members are in medical specialities and are the spouses/partners of Active or Associate Members. Such Affiliates shall be in active practice and will be elected to Affiliate status at an Annual General Meeting or at an Annual Business Meeting. Affiliate Members may attend the scientific and clinical meetings of the Society. Affiliate Members will not be liable for a membership fee and will not attend the Annual General or Business Meetings of the Society.
3.5 — Honorary Member Occasionally a member or senior member is made an honorary member as the result of outstanding service and commitment to the Society.
3.6 — Senior Member A member will become a senior member on reaching the age of 65 or on full retirement from active practice, if he or she still wishes to travel. Constitution Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Founded 1924 Initially Approved at the Annual General Meeting in Copenhagen 9th May 1997 First Amendment at the Annual Business Meeting in Belfast 19th September 1997 Second Amendment at the Annual General Meeting in South Africa 18th February 1999 Third amendment at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin May 2012.
3.7 — Retired Member Retired members are those who no longer wish to travel or are unable to play any part in the affairs of the Society. Such members receive the annual report and newsletters.
3.8 — Election of members. New members will be elected at any quorate meeting of the Society, though Active Members may only be elected after they have travelled overseas. If a meeting is not quorate, any decision taken will be discussed at the next quorate meeting (AGM or ABM).
4 — Officers There are three officers all of whom are elected from and by the active membership. They are: President Held for 3 years and to be in active practice when appointed Secretary Held for 3 years in the first instance Report Editor Held for 3 years in the first instance An Archivist will be appointed from the total membership of the Society and from time to time an Assistant Archivist may also be appointed.
5 — Spouses or partners of former members Spouses of deceased members are always welcome at any meetings of the Society. The Secretary will keep spouses informed of the Society’s activities.
6 — Guests Members are encouraged to promote colleagues for membership after discussion with the President and Secretary. Subject to this initial approval, which would be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting or at the Business Meeting, such colleagues will then be invited as guests to either home or overseas meetings. Such guests, if willing and ideally if travelling with their spouse or partner, would subsequently be eligible for election to associate or full membership respectively.
Constitution Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Founded 1924 Initially Approved at the Annual General Meeting in Copenhagen 9th May 1997 First Amendment at the Annual Business Meeting in Belfast 19th September 1997 Second Amendment at the Annual General Meeting in South Africa 18th February 1999 Third amendment at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin May 2012.
7 Academic meetings There will normally be two academic meetings each year, at least one of which will be at home and normally hosted by an active member of the Society. The home meeting will usually be in the autumn. An overseas meeting of one week has generally been held in the spring. This pattern might be modified and varied by the Secretary after consultation with the membership. Whenever academic meetings are held, an audience of local undergraduate and postgraduate students together with hospital staff will be welcome, in addition to the host and attending members of the Travelling Surgical Society. All home programmes, both academic and social, should be planned in association with the Secretary. The programme for overseas meetings will be arranged by the Secretary in conjunction with local hosts.
8 Meetings
8.1 — Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting will normally be held during the spring overseas meeting. The main purpose of the Annual General Meeting will be to elect officers and members, to receive the annual financial report and to attend to any other routine business. Any agenda item for discussion may be requested by a member provided this request is submitted to the Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting.
8.2 — Business Meeting A Business Meeting will normally be held during the course of the autumn home meeting. The main purpose of the Business Meeting will be to receive an interim financial report, elect new members and attend to any other routine business. Any agenda item for discussion may be requested by a member provided this request is submitted to the Secretary at least two weeks before the meeting.
8.3 — Voting Rights Voting rights at either the Annual General Meeting or the Business Meeting will be restricted to active members only.
8.4 — Quorum A quorum will exist at either the Annual General Meeting or the Business Meeting when one third or more of active members is present. If a meeting is not quorate, any decision taken will be discussed at the next quorate meeting (AGM or ABM). Constitution Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Founded 1924 Initially Approved at the Annual General Meeting in Copenhagen 9th May 1997 First Amendment at the Annual Business Meeting in Belfast 19th September 1997 Second Amendment at the Annual General Meeting in South Africa 18th February 1999 Third amendment at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin May 2012.
9 — Change of Constitution Any amendments to the Constitution must be approved by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting. Any proposals for amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least eight weeks before and then circulated to all active members at least four weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting. Any objections or modifications to such proposals to the Constitution must be made in writing to the Secretary at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
10 — Financial Arrangements Annual dues will depend on the type of membership. Honorary members, retired members and spouses of deceased members pay no annual dues. Senior members no longer in active clinical practice and thus not eligible for tax relief will pay at a reduced rate of half the active membership fee. Associate members will pay half the active membership fee. The level of dues will be set and reviewed regularly at the Annual General Meeting or Business Meeting of the Society. The Secretary will act as Treasurer and will be responsible for financial matters relating to the Society. The Secretary will report regularly on the financial status of the Society at the Annual General and Business Meetings. The expenses of the Officers of the Society (President, Secretary, Archivists and the Report Editor) incurred in relation to Society business will be met from time to time and any payments will be reviewed regularly by the membership. Appropriate remuneration or gifts for Society guests, in particular the Society’s hosts, will be made at the discretion of the Secretary. Overseas or home entertaining of hosts or Travelling Fellows of the Society will be funded from the Society’s general account at the discretion of the Secretary. Personal dinner guests may be invited by members to Society dinners at their expense but only with the prior agreement of the Secretary.
11 — Responsibilities of the Officers and Members of the Society
11.1 — President The President will be the head of the Society and as such will officiate as required on behalf of the Society. The President will chair all formal meetings of the Society as well as act as the principal Host on behalf of the Society. Constitution Travelling Surgical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Founded 1924 Initially Approved at the Annual General Meeting in Copenhagen 9th May 1997 First Amendment at the Annual Business Meeting in Belfast 19th September 1997 Second Amendment at the Annual General Meeting in South Africa 18th February 1999 Third amendment at the Annual General Meeting in Dublin May 2012.
11.2 — Secretary
The Secretary will be responsible for the overall management of the Society including the organisation of all academic and formal meetings. The Secretary will attempt to obtain Continuing Medical Education Credits (CME) for academic meetings. The Secretary will be responsible for keeping an accurate record of the membership and for the circulation to all members the full details of the Society’s activities. The Secretary will be responsible for the Society finances including the bank account, collection of dues and payment of expenses. The Secretary will present financial reports to the membership as laid down in the Constitution at the Annual General Meeting and at the Business Meeting. The Secretary will be responsible for the minutes, society records and all other memorabilia not otherwise stored by the Archivist. The Secretary will be reimbursed on an annual basis at a level determined by the membership and may also claim such expenses as are necessary for the execution of his/ her role.
11.3 — Editor of the Report
The Editor of the Report will be responsible for the detailed documentation of the Society’s activities. This Report will be made available to the membership each year and any expenses incurred in its production will be met by the Society.
11.4 — Archivist The Archivist (and Assistant Archivist) will be responsible for the collation of records, written and photographic, to include storage, display and reproduction. Copies of Reports will be sent to the libraries of the Wellcome, Royal Colleges of Surgeons of England & Edinburgh to join others in their possession. With permission of members, and under the signatures of the President and Secretary of the Society, copies of future minute books may be sent to the Wellcome Historical Institute, London, to join first two Minute Books of the Travelling Surgical Club.
11.5 — Members Members are required to pay their dues promptly by Bankers Order. Failure to do so may mean that membership will lapse. Members are expected to act periodically as host for a local meeting. Members will be asked to submit suitable scientific, clinical or general papers for the academic sessions of the Society the final choice of which rests with the Secretary and the local hosts.